Case Submissions



1 st prize

Implante Percutâneo de Válvula Pulmonar com Criação de Zona de Implante em VSVD Nativa com Grandes Dimensões

Authors: Ênio Eduardo Guérios1 , Raul Rossi2 , Francisco Chamié3 , José Airton Arruda4 , Roberto G. Carvalho1

Institutions: 1Hospital Nossa Senhora das Graças, 2 Instituto de Cardiologia, 3 Intercat, 4Hospital Meridional – Curitiba, PR

Award: Advanced Clinical Immersion at St. Paul Hospital, with Dr. John Webb, in Vancouver – Canada


2 nd prize

Mitral Valve-in-Valve in a Young Patient with a Small NeoLVOT and Thrombotic Milieu

Authors: Lucas Ferreira Marcondes Lemos, Alberto Colella Cervone, Michelle Gonçalves Birtche, Gabriel Prado Saad, Dimytri Alexandre Siqueira Institutions: Instituto Dante Pazzanese De Cardiologia, São Paulo – SP

Award: Ticket, accommodation and registration for SOLACI/CACI 2024 – Argentina


3 nd prize

ViV Mitral para o Tratamento de Disfunção de Bioprótese Mitral com Pseudoaneurisma de Anel Valvar

Authors: Alberto Colella Cervone, Michelle Goncalves Birtche, Auristela Isabel de Oliveira Ramos, Fausto Feres, Dimytri Alexandre Siqueira Institutions: Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, São Paulo – SP

Award: Ticket, accommodation and registration for SBHCI CONGRESS 2024, Fortaleza, CE

Check out the Awards:

Rules for Clinical Case Submission:


• The Clinical Case author responsible for sending the work must complete the registration with their information.

The deadline for submitting a Clinical Case will be 8:00 pm on February 9, 2024.

• Completion and submission will be carried out exclusively electronically.

• Follow the instructions in sequence on the screens, clicking on the indicated locations.

• The title of the work will be limited to 300 characters.

• The author must include up to 03 key words.

• The inclusion of up to 05 authors per work will be allowed, together with 01 institution where the case was carried out.

• Providing the email address of all authors is mandatory.

• The work must be prepared in the form of a presentation in PowerPoint format, with a maximum of 10 slides.

• The presentation must be structured with the following items and sequence:
1. Title of work (without names and institutions)
2. Clinical presentation
3. Angiographic evaluation or adjunctive method
4. Decision making
5. Intervention(s)
6. Post-intervention evolution
7. Conclusion or “learning points” of the case

• If the presentation contains video(s), the file must be saved in PowerPoint ppsx format.

• The work must be sent in a single file with a maximum size of 40 Mb.

• Submissions will be accepted in PowerPoint formats – ppt, pptx, ppsx in the case of video(s), or pdf.

• Download the document model by clicking HERE.

• The text on the slides must be produced in Arial font size 26 or larger, with double spacing between lines.

• Bibliographic references must not be included in the work.

• Abbreviations are allowed, but they must be kept as few as possible and appear in parentheses after the complete word.

• The results of the intervention must be clearly stated and the conclusion of the case based on the interventions carried out.

• It is not permitted to submit the same Clinical Case to more than one category, under penalty of having the work disqualified.

• The Clinical Case can be sent in Portuguese or English.
• After submitting the Clinical Case, the author will be able to access their page and edit the submission until the deadline.

• Each Clinical Case sent will receive a code confirming the submission and informing the individual registration of the author(s) and institution(s).

• The results will be communicated via registered email.